
Just when businesses think they understand the Affordable Care Act and have everything covered, additional guidance comes out. Join our our complimentary seminar covering the latest guidance issued in December.

Topics include:
- Postponement of the Cadillac Tax
- Updates to "Affordability" of Employer Coverage
- Increases in Employer Penalties
- Prohibition of Employer Contributions Toward Individual Insurance
- Health FSA Carryover and COBRA Implications
- Leave of Absence and Reporting Issues
- Wellness Programming Updates
- Impact on Fringe Benefits Paid by Federal Contractors

Date: Wednesday, February 24

Time:  8:00 a.m. until 9:45 a.m.

Place: Willcox Savage (440 Monticello Avenue, Suite 2200, Norfolk, Virginia)

Cher E. Wynkoop
Corina V. San-Marina

Submitted for 1.5 hours HRCI credit

Click here to register

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