Our Products Liability Group has a national reputation in the area of products liability defense, toxic tort personal injury defense, aviation litigation, workers' compensation, premises liability and cases involving liability under the Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act. Our trial attorneys have amassed an impressive trial record on behalf of manufacturers and distributors of products distributed regionally, nationally and internationally. These products include asbestos-containing materials, automobiles, aircraft-related parts, locomotives, heavy industrial products, drug and medical devices, welding equipment and a number of other types of products.

Our Personal Injury Defense and General Insurance Defense attorneys represent numerous national and international insurance concerns in coverage disputes. We also handle cases arising out of individual line policies, as well as various commercial and excess liability policies. These cases cover a broad spectrum of issues, including trucking, premises liability, automobile accidents, mass toxic tort (lead liability and toxic mold), products liability, environmental litigation and labor matters.

For more information, please contact any of the attorneys listed below.

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